al-asmaa institute

An interdisciplinary platform for the study of the Beautiful Names of Allah and His Last Messenger (ﷺ) as they manifest in the Material Universe and Human Culture

Our Courses

what we believe

Each Name is a conduit to a multiverse of possibilities for our relationship with Allah and His Last Messenger (ﷺ)

One of the unique attributes of the religion of Islam that distinguishes it from all other religions, sciences, and philosophies, is its insistence on the fact that Allah the One and Only Ultimate Reality has Many Beautiful Names / Attributes and that the believers must invoke these Names to call upon Him. These Names are the addresses where one can find the Almighty and have a conversation with Him. The better we understand these Names, the easier it becomes for us to develop a strong, personal relationship with Allah.
The other unique attribute of Islam is its insistence on the fact that an Arab man in the 6th century AD, by the personal name of Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdullāh (ﷺ), is His last and final prophet and messenger to the worlds. We know some of his names through an authentic hadith: Muḥammad (the oft-praised), Aḥmad (the most praised), Māḥī (the one who dispels disbelief), Ḥāshir (the one at whose feet people will gather on the Day of Reckoning), and ʿĀqib (the one who is the last prophet and messenger). The scholars of Islam, out of love, have compiled a list of additional names based on the text of the Holy Qur'an and their general understanding of the Prophetic character, totaling ninety-nine names. Each name points to a unique aspect of his personality. Without gaining a deep appreciation for these names, our mission of developing a strong, personal relationship with Allah will remain incomplete.

what we offer

Online courses, each (re-)exploring the Beautiful Names from the vantage point of a unique theme

Our goal is to foster a community of inquirers exploring the meanings of the Beautiful Names across multiple intersections. Consequently, the participants need to invest time, money, and attention to become permanent members.


Introduction to the Asmaa Approach


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The Material Signs


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The Blessed Arab (ﷺ)


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Cultivating a Prophetic Identity

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The Julaybeeb's Prayer

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who we are

We are a team of two based in Pakistan interested in fostering a community around the study of the Beautiful Names from an interdisciplinary relational perspective.

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